The next Guardian update will involve the ball! Team Guardian is dressing up! Below are the dresses that each of us chose for the much anticipated event :)
We welcome everyone to post a link of their dresses as a comment to this post, and we'll add your choices along with our own! Let's all dress up and celebreate with our favorite characters!
Bella Swan |
Team Guardian
AllyinPerth |
callsignC30 |
twilighterNY |
Renas40 |
maria2906 |
Lovely dresses from readers:
Isabella Swan from MoTU via Squicedragon |
aleighy |
Suzie55 |
Brooke |
annetteinoz |
Karina |
Kelly123abc |
mpg82 |
Adriana_twifan |
gossip_bangkok |
QuueenElizabeth |
dayjolie80 |
mymunkyman |
shackle_me |
Thats-so-Alex |
Rene2608 |
divatonks |
ShinyVolvoLurve |
LadybugsMum |
elizabethan_tx |
FireFoxyk |
Toni0204 |
Lambiexx |
dragonfly336 |
Twilightus |
grigal |
cat |
ja_nunley |
tg10781 |
SquarePancakeFF |
smyers09 |
NinaFromSweden |
jdbeaner |
RebelYve |
elusivekoolaid |
nettaca |
Handinherpants |
ladyeire72 |
jck80_99 |
TanyaCd |
SQicedragon |
LynnInLove1007 |
StarNoble13 |
SydneyTwiMum |
Carolina |
lemonmartinis |
yesyov |
MoniNP |
FunmbiE |
Em |
delaney84 |
Sandyk199 |
AFMtoo |
sscana |
_Chinosgirl_ |
odiejae |
justduckie1 |
1netka |
marvar29 |
cosmogirl7481 |
anaismark |
tayl215 |
rainamd |
babsiebaby |
Gabbysway2 |
jaustenlover |
Gwen |
sarelwalsh |
kmitch1217 |
aRedi |
o0fefe0o |
Robrator |
EIoquentSilence |
Micki_Martini |
RoseArcadia |
Bynnie |
L51R |
durameter2 |
kellabella09 |
auntapey |
SparkleSwan |